2 Samuel 12:24

It’s Crazy Bible Verse Tuesday and Today’s verse is on the topic of sex.

“Then David comforted his wife Bathsheba, and he went to her and made love to her. She gave birth to a son, and they named him Solomon.” – 2 Samuel 12:24

At first glance there is nothing wrong with this verse. Set aside the fact David had multiple wives and concubines, it is perfectly normal for a husband and wife to have sex and become pregnant. The difference here is the context. This is immediately after their son is killed. David has sex with his wife to comfort her over her dead son. For fuck’s sake. Making a baby isn’t the same as picking out the next dog when yours dies. Biblical romance. 🙂

One thought on “2 Samuel 12:24

  1. What a weird impulse in primitive human history that the lines of succession must be scrutinized, dramatized, publicized, romanticized and sanctified. Given that time and place add Interpolated fictionalization.

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